There are three ways to give an offering at Smyrna Presbyterian Church: online, by mail or hand delivery, and during worship services.
Giving Online Has Changed
SPC is transitioning to a new digital giving platform called Subsplash Giving. This change will make generosity easier and more convenient with features like Apple Pay and Google Wallet, while also reducing costs to us in transaction fees. Allowing us to further our mission of gathering to know, grow, and show God's love in Christ.
Give During Worship Services
The Tithes & Offering is a regular part of worship services at Smyrna Pres. During this time, you may give by placing cash or a check in the offering plate.
Give by Mail or Delivery
If you are unable to give electronically or during a worship service, you may deliver your offering to the church office during office hours or send it by mail to the following address:
Smyrna Presbyterian Church
3130 Atlanta Rd SE
Smyrna, GA 30080