Fellowship Meal
Dinner before the Wednesday Night Activities allows for a time around tables to enjoy fellowship as the Body of Christ. Dinner is served from 5:30–6:30pm. Pricing is $5 per person (max $15 per family).
You can pay in-person by cash or check, but we would like for you to consider giving online by credit/debit or an electronic check (ACH) through our Breeze Church Management System. By using the link below, you can click on the "to" line to reveal a drop-down menu where you can designate that your donation go to "Wednesday Night Meals".
RSVP for Wednesday Night Meals
Wednesday Night Activities
5:45pm Children's Choir
6:30pm Youth Group and King's Kids meet in their designated locations
6:30pm Choir Rehearsal
6:45pm Devotion & Prayer (in-person and via Zoom)
*Nursery is available for children 3 and under, starting at 6:30pm.