Open Bible_Hermeneutics

At Smyrna Presbyterian Church, one-thrid of our mission is to KNOW and worship the Triue God. Part of that knowing is being able to interpret God's word and rightly handle it. The scriptures are a reflection of who God is, and we want to learn as much as we can.

When we read the Bible, proper interpretation gives us the fuller meaning of the scriptures. It takes us from a basic understanding to a mature understanding. And that act of interpreting is called Hermeneutics.

The word of God is for everyone. So, join us as we go through the Hermeneutics Sunday School series this spring.


1. Sunday, February 19: Introduction to Hermeneutics

2. Sunday, February 26: Cannon

3. Sunday, March 5: Inspiration, Infallibility, Inerrancy

4. Sunday, March 19: Bible Translations

5. Sunday, March 26: How To Read The Bible

6. Sunday, April 2: Interpretation Process (Slides) 

7. Sunday, April 16: New Testament - Gospels

8. Sunday, April 23: Old Testament - Narratives