Deck The Bowls Dinner Theatre

December 11, 2024

5:15pm – 8:00pm

Coordinator:  Joel Smit

Deck-Bowls image


Window Campaign will host a Chili Cook-Off
followed by “A Christmas Carol” theatrical performance


  • Event is FREE but as a fundraiser for the campaign, raffles will be sold to vote for your favorite chili.

  • Anyone who wants to contribute chili to our cook-off should sign up by Sunday, 12/8/24, through the following link 

Our Favorite Things Auction:

We need your help! During the Deck the Bowls event, we will also host an auction! We're asking congregants to donate gift cards, stores-bought items, or businesses goods/services to our auction. To do so, please email Jaylie Stratton or Daphne Valcin via email by November 27, 2024.