Ten Reasons for Thanks this Thanksgiving Season
November 9, 2017November is the month of Thanksgiving, but Thanksgiving with all of its festivities, fancy food and fanfare should be more than a day of the year. Thanksgiving should be a way of life for the Christian - an attitude and perspective towards all of God’s provisions. 1 Thes. 5:18 calls us to continual thanksgiving - “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
What should we be thankful for this month and all year around? Let give you 10 reasons to direct your praise to God:
Christ our Savior is our chief delight and blessing. That God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son – for sinners such as us. May our lips always be filled with thanks and praise for our salvation in Christ alone.
Beautiful World
Especially during the changing seasons how often do we see God’s wonderful, beautiful creation. From the cooling temperatures to the changing foliage – all manifest the glory of God. May we give Him thanks for this world He has given us.
Daily Provision
Every day we are given what we stand in need of - be it physical provision, emotional strength, or spiritual encouragement. So much so that Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow, but know that what is needed this day will be given.
Ability to Worship
Our salvation is for the purpose of worship. Let us use our freedom to do that which God has created us to do – worship him. Privately every day and corporately every Lord’s Day with the people of God – let us make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
In a world seeking truth – we have been given truth in the Holy Scriptures. This solid foundation is what we build our life upon. Truthful, reliant, encouraging, convicting – let us come continually to hear from the Lord in the Bible.
We are not alone in this journey of faith – God has given us brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ. What a blessing to share our lives with them and be united together as the Body of Christ. Church-life is a foretaste of our heavenly home.
No other creature has been given the creativity to sing and make diverse songs. Humans alone have the ability to appreciate music. What a treat then when we are able to fill our homes and churches with the sound of music - both sung and played. This season let us make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
Have you thanked God lately for your children or grandchildren? How about for children in the church you attend? Children within the home and within the church tare a blessing from the Lord. What a privilege and responsibility we have in them – and even if you do not have children or your children are grown – remember these are OUR children. Let us praise God for them!
Peace of God
Life is not always easy but when we remember who are God truly is – then we can have the peace of God that transcends all understanding. What a blessing it is to go to Him with our cares and burdens and know that He cares for us.
Our greatest blessing is yet to come in the life ahead. God has prepared place for us and one day will bring us there. Then we will be able to give him thanks and praise without distraction, pain, or other cares. Even so come quickly Lord Jesus!
What else can we thank the Lord for this day? These ten items should set our mind towards an “attitude of gratitude.” May this season be filled with praise and thanks to our Lord for all He has done.